I realize that as the arbiter of this site that I should probably explain why this is a total load of crap, but let's just say that if I have to then it's your problem and not mine.
You could look up Reiki by clicking the word "Reiki" which I helpfully typed back there, but do you really care that much? Just skip ahead two minutes. She yodels into his shoulder. I mean what the crap, right?
So jamming a lit candle into your ear can not only cure the common cold, but Bell's palsy too? Oh, wait. There's also the fact that medical researchers consider candling to be not only ineffective, but dangerous as well. Hold on, what's that? You say that the Hopi tribe council has officially declared that it is not and has never been a practice of the Hopi people? You don't say.
"The tiger that you don't believe in is the tiger that can eat you"
According to the Clay and Iron Ministries website Dr. William Deagle is:
"Dr. Bill Deagle MD is a Prolife physician. He has been a board certified Family Medicine Specialist, board eligible Occupational and Environmental Medicine, Internal Medicine, Medico-legal, Anti-Aging Medicine, and Environmental Toxicologist. Currently he is a media liason activist and teacher for the American Academy of AntiAging Medicine and the American Academy of Environmental Medicine."
According to Dr. William Deagle:
He has worked for nearly every branch of the U.S. Government. He has friends in the NSA, all branches of the military, and the white house. As a graduate student he was asked to participate in the creation of the aids virus. Facilitated in the construction of an underground cube housing hyper advanced computer technology that the government may use to enslave or kill us. He was personally told about the 9/11 attacks before hand by a secret group of army officials while eating lunch. Healed the first Columbine shooting victim through prayer. Was resurrected from the dead. He cannot be killed. He was foretold in an ancient prophecy given to his decedents around the beginning of the first century. He personally transferred the alien bodies at the Roswell crash site. Built a quantum shield gun for the Canadian government. May or may not have found the cure for all diseases, and spoke to Jesus Christ face to face.
Dr. William Deagle also believes:
The Magna Carta was written by half human snake creatures from another galaxy. Avian flu was created from the DNA of deceased Alaskan coal miners. There was a nuclear war in India 12,900 years ago. That angles are actually different races of highly evolved space creatures. That Jesuit Reptilians created cell phones and lap tops in order to unravel our DNA. That the earth will be destroyed within one year (it was 2006 when he said that by the way). That a frequency resonance bomb exists that can be programed to kill only white people. That all modern technology is reversed engineered from races of malevolent space beings that rich people contact using star gates. That all politicians and world leaders are controlled by inter dimensional parasites demons.
In short Dr. William Deagle is the most important figure in all of human history.
Meet Dr. William Deagle
The British Are Masters Of Microwave Death
At 5:33 he tells us that we invaded Iraq in order to set up an attack on Iran so we could steal their star gate, and some one claps as if that was completely obvious.
For further research visit the Clay and Iron Ministries website here. There are slide show presentations for download as well as recordings of his radio program.
This will probably be the last thing I ever post concerning the Desteni cult. So in the spirit of competition I'm offering a challenge. If you can watch this video and make sense of what's being said in a personal or even abstract way I will personally fly to your home, and punch you in the stomach.
"A holistic system of soft tissue manipulation and movement education that organized the whole body in gravity" Basically gravity, over time, has a negative effect on certain parts of the human body. So palpating certain connective tissues will negate gravity. But can you Rolf a dog?
Astarius Miraculli is a poet, astrologer, musician, and holistic practitioner who charges up to 200 dollars for a healing session. These sessions are a combination of Reiki (the Eastern art of paying some one not to touch you), and being yodeled at through a didgeridoo. Astrarius also does psychic and astrological readings, and may or may not own a tiger which he yodels at through his didgeridoo.
According to Astarius
“The Earth is shifting to a higher vibration and frequency. Everyone and Everything is vibrating faster and with more Light. All is expanding. Thoughts and behavior which limit and bind us to fear are being infused with Light and Love. This is the new Millennium. We are Creators of the Golden Age of Love, Peace and Harmony. The responsibility to be true to yourself and the highest intentions for your life is greater than ever. The Spiritual Maturity rate will skyrocket and the forces of life will bring some to their heights and others to their depths. What will you choose in the wake of these awesome forces? I am honored to support you in your process.”
“I am creating my music too to stand, touch and inspire all humanity.
Its a sublime mission. Its my inner fire.
Listen my compositions. Your eternal soul will thank you “
From what little can be gathered from his videos, snippets found on various web sites, and statements gathered on his You Tube channel, he is from Brazil where he may or may not have studied classical composition.
His philosophy appears to be some aberrant mixture of Christianity, Eastern Philosophy, and New Age. The videos themselves feature a random mixture of film clips and music, as well as 2012 and environmental messages while either beginning with, or tail ended by, him playing piano and random photos of himself posing in different locations while holding up magazines. Before playing he often rearranges what appear to be rocks on his keyboard, and then holds a magazine above the keys or vise verse. Most of the videos also feature inspirational words and lyrics that scroll up or down the screen.
Whether or not Ayerton can repeat any of his ninety or so "compositions" remains a mystery. His movements appear to be deliberate inasmuch he may be well trained, but I do not play piano so I will reserve judgment. Regardless of whether you think Ayerton is insane or a genius he is still remains fascinating.
The theory works something like this: Water is pretty important to our existence. Love is good and good feelings are neat. So water + love = magic healing water.
Desteni is a cult that operates out of a farm in South Africa. There isn't a whole lot of outside information about them, but if you're interested you can read their vague mission statement via their homepage. There are one or two videos on You Tube by former cult members, but their refutations make about as much sense as anything Desteni claims. They also offer online courses in Structural Resonance Alignment Training (?) for a hefty monthly sum.
Desteni herself claims to have the ability to channel, not only dead celebrities, but non-physical, inter-dimensional space creatures. Her You Tube channel features videos where she summons Hitler, Nostradamus, the Sumerian sky god Anu, a reptilian that sounds suspiciously like an inarticulate Katharine Hepburn, and the actual Katharine Hepburn who, strangely enough, sounds like a crazy South African girl.
She also says stuff like:
“... creating an expression of, in and as me, within designing the manifestation of live symbols.”
Why Jesus and God don't exist according to a channeled reptilian.
Possessed by 17 dead hookers and the serial killer Aileen Verhoeven.
How animals can see into other dimensions according to a spirit named "Sarah" that resides in the body of a Labrador. (I kid you not)
I've seen enough of these types of videos to have a vague notion of what's going on, but let's see what you think. Basically they eat fruit up till around 1:46, and then she whips out the tuning forks and waves them over the bowl. It's long, but stick with it because the tuning forks only get bigger. Apparently more fork equals better fruit. I wonder if I could use this method to upgrade my DVD player to Blue Ray.
Recently I got a phone call from a friend asking me about supposed FEMA concentration camps. A friend of his had told him that on an early morning program Fox News commentator Glen Beck seemed to suggest that the possibility of government run concentration camps may be a reality, but then completely changed his story later that night on his own program. I hadn't heard about any of this so I promised to do a little research.
In fact Beck admits that his initial impression was based mostly off of internet research, but decided to hold the story until he had spoken to some experts. Of course that simple explanation won't be satisfying any of the crazies. Beck says something at 4:28 that seems prophetic if you scroll down and read a few of the comments.
So what are FEMA concentration camps? According to the crazies they are just that. Apparently our government is planning on declaring martial law some time in the near future, and they need a place to intern and possibly gas would be dissenters. As far as I can tell this myth has been most widely perpetuated by this video.
The video might seem concerning if you're not paying a lot of attention (which you probably shouldn't be), but it raises one or two practical questions that says something about the state of mind of, not only the people making this film, but some of the people watching it. At 4:47 one of those “black helicopters” flies over head begging the question of why the "forces that be” would mobilize a helicopter to watch some one standing in the building's parking lot? Wouldn't it be more effective to just do it from a window?
Here's a couple of facts:
1) There are no FEMA concentration camps.
2) The facility in this video is actually an Amtrack rail car repair facility. The place fixes about 700 passenger cars a year, and employs more than 500 people. There's also the fact that this video is 15 years old. The turnstiles don't exist any more, and neither do half of those warehouses amongst other things.
If you want to do further research there's an article that addresses all of this on Popular Mechanics website. Just click here.
For my own amusement I posted a comment stating the above facts in a calm, and non confrontational manner. Not even an hour later I got this from a user named “tmac1238GX:”
"Oh thanks for stopping us in time before we defeated the already defeated dictator and caught those WMDs in mid-flight!
Why didn't you look at King Abdullah II, or Jordan in the area of Iraq yawn while Saddam was howling in his no-fly-zones?
Why didn't you look at the "conspiracy theorists" yawn? They confessed, "AMERICA IS BROKEN!" Aren't you proud you protect them with common sense?"
Well it's been a long long time since I've updated this blog. I have
decided to fulfill it's intended purpose as a photo blog and move it to
word press. I ...
The Proposal
Directed by Anne Fletcher. Written by Pete Chiarelle. Starring Sandra
Bullock, Ryan Reynolds, and Betty White.
Touchstone Pictures - 2009
Two Stars of ...